
marriage divorce children

In Japan, divorcing was not a common thing. Once you were married, you were expected to stay married for as long as you live. Therefore, there were many middle-aged married couples who were not satisfied with their partner or life. However, in recent Japan, divorcing is not so uncommon. There are numerous TV shows where they teach the audience when the best timing for a divorce is, or how to sue your partner for the most money in the case of a divorce. Though this may increase the number of happier adults, this is a very bad influence to children.

Marriage in Japan has also changed in the recent years. In Japan, it used to be common for people, especially women, to get married at a younger age(maybe early 20s). Nowadays, women are getting married at a much older age(maybe late 20s, early 30s). This may be because the number of women who want to work are increasing. Until recently, the culture of the Japan was that men do the work, and women do the housework. Due to the globalization and wenternalization of Japan, this idea is now thought of as discrimination.

This leads to the change in the way Japanese couples think of children. Before all the changes of marriage and divorce in Japan, it was probably much easier to have children. Now, you have to think about your age, what to do if the wife still wants to work after having the baby, if the couple will be able to continue a good relationship, and the number of children they are caplable of raising. Some couples just don't have kids becasue they feel that they will not be capable of raising a child if they are both working full time. This may be part of the reason why Japan has and will have the problem of Aged Society.

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